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Trumps cult animosity sign up

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The chaotic and mismanaged response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been especially harmful for faith communities, as the administration has tacitly encouraged them to continue large in-person worship gatherings despite the risks and despite public health guidance. Furthermore, it does not reflect the religious values of a majority of people of faith, whose faiths call them to love, not harm, their fellow human beings.įaith communities of all types have been harmed by the administration’s attacks on the health and economic well-being of the American people.

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It interprets religious freedom as a license to discriminate against non-Christians, LGBTQ people, and people seeking out reproductive health care. This type of religious nationalism was on display when President Donald Trump and senior members of his administration had peaceful protesters and clergy tear-gassed outside the White House in order to stage a photo-op outside St.

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Since it took office, the administration has weaponized a narrow set of conservative Christian beliefs in order to harm others. The administration has turned America’s back on religious minorities in China and refugees fleeing religious persecution around the world. The administration has also presided over a nation with an alarming uptick in anti-Semitic and Islamophobic hate crimes, and its policies have contributed to a climate conducive to white nationalism. The administration has systematically targeted religious freedom both at home and abroad, including through its marquee policy priority of instituting a Muslim ban. Much less attention is paid to the Trump administration’s manifold attacks on the rights and safety of faith communities. 3 The PRRI also found that majorities of all major religious groups in the United States support government-backed health insurance programs covering contraceptives and supporting nondiscrimination protections for the LGBTQ community. women of faith have used or currently use birth control. According to the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), majorities of white mainline Protestants and Black Protestants say abortion should be legal in most or all cases, as well as a plurality of Catholics. Public opinion polling reveals that even the so-called benefits of the Trump administration to those select faith groups crusading against reproductive and LGBTQ rights are rejected by majorities within faith communities other than white evangelicals. Their concerns certainly dominate how the Trump administration’s impact on faith communities is perceived at large. 1 Yet this small proportion of the population tends to garner a disproportionate share of attention concerning religion in the public discourse on national politics. While 3 in 4 Americans identify with a religious tradition, only 15 percent identify as white evangelicals, according to the 2019 American Values Atlas Survey. To understand the needs and concerns of all American faith communities, it is important to first understand the religious diversity of the nation.

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While the Trump administration purports to help this narrow band of religious Americans, the reality is that many of its policies have harmed all religious communities-particularly religious minorities. Rather, this subset has a narrow focus on policies that discriminate against LGBTQ people and stigmatize reproductive health services, including abortion, presenting a very skewed representation of religious Americans’ public policy concerns. This is based on the administration’s narrow understanding of religion and public policy-one that privileges the concerns of a select group of conservative white Christians, mostly evangelical, who by no means represent all of America’s faithful. public discourse that the Trump administration’s policies have been largely favorable to faith communities.

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There is a commonly held but misleading perception in U.S.

Trumps cult animosity sign up